
African Free Trade Agreement 2019


The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) is a monumental development for the continent of Africa, signed in 2019. The AfCFTA aims to create a single market for goods and services within the African Union member states, thereby facilitating the movement of people and goods across borders, ultimately resulting in increased trade and economic growth.

At inception, the AfCFTA was signed by 54 African Union member states, making it one of the largest free trade agreements in the world, covering a market of 1.2 billion people with a combined GDP of over $3.4 trillion. The agreement`s implementation was initially scheduled to commence in July 2020, but the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic forced the postponement of AfCFTA`s establishment.

The benefits of the AfCFTA are numerous, ranging from increased trade, economic growth, job creation, and increased competitiveness for Africa on the global stage. Historically, African countries have focused on trading outside the African continent, which limits the potential for intra-African trade, rendering the region economically vulnerable. AfCFTA will eliminate tariffs on intra-African trade, allowing African countries to trade more freely with each other, thereby spurring economic growth, industry specialization, and job creation.

However, there are hurdles to implementing AfCFTA`s success. The first and most critical challenge is the lack of infrastructure, particularly in terms of transportation and energy, which would enable the efficient movement of goods across borders. Second, there are concerns that the agreement would benefit larger economies at the expense of smaller economies, leading to economic imbalances within the continent. There is also a need for African countries to improve their business processes, eliminate non-tariff barriers, and harmonize their trade policies.

In conclusion, the African Continental Free Trade Agreement is a significant milestone for Africa`s economic growth, increased trade, and increased competitiveness globally. However, the challenges ahead make it clear that the road to AfCFTA`s success will be a long and arduous journey, as African countries will need to work together to overcome these obstacles. Nevertheless, if implemented successfully, AfCFTA has the potential to transform the African economy fundamentally and improve the lives of its citizens.
