

  • 2022年5月14日


    Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar concept that every student must learn to communicate effectively in writing and speech. To make the learning process fun and engaging, teachers can incorporate a variety of games and activities into their lesson plans. In this article, we will explore some of the best subject-verb agreement games for grade 2 students.

    1. Subject-Verb Match-Up Game: Create a set of subject and verb cards with matching pairs. Shuffle them and lay them face down on a table. Students take turns flipping over two cards to see if they make a matching sentence. If the sentence is correct, they keep the cards. The student with the most matches at the end of the game wins.

    2. Verb Toss Game: Write a list of subject nouns on the board and give each student a ball. One student starts by throwing the ball to a classmate and saying a verb that matches the subject noun. The second student catches the ball and adds a new subject noun with a matching verb. The game continues until everyone has had a turn.

    3. Sentence Scavenger Hunt: Write several sentences on index cards and hide them around the classroom or playground. Divide students into groups and have them race to find the sentences. Once they have found all of the sentences, they must rewrite them with the correct subject-verb agreement.

    4. Musical Chairs Game: Set up enough chairs for all students but remove one chair. Play music and have students walk around the chairs. When the music stops, students must sit down and complete a sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement. The student left standing is out, and a chair is removed for the next round.

    5. Subject-Verb Charades: Write a list of subject nouns and verbs on index cards and shuffle them. One student picks a card and acts out the verb while the rest of the class guesses the subject noun. The first student to guess correctly gets to act out the next card.

    These are just a few subject-verb agreement games that grade 2 students will love. By incorporating these games into your lesson plans, students will have fun while learning an essential grammar concept. Remember to keep the games light and enjoyable, and your students will be on their way to mastering subject-verb agreement in no time.